Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Officially on CD1

Posted by JustPJ at 9:40 AM

After 92 days of waiting, AF finally arrived. I'm officially on my CD1, thank you Lord. Now, we can start our fertility work up this month. I will be seeing my 4th and new OB anytime soon plus I will be taking the medicines and/or supplements, listed below, which according to our research will help me increase fertility.

Vitamin E 400 IU is famous as an antioxidant but is also essential for fertility and reproduction. It is also known to improve egg quality for women. 

Zinc is necessary for your body to attract and hold the reproductive hormones, estrogen and progesterone. It balances blood sugar and boosts immune system. 

Vitamin B6 helps balance progesterone levels. It also helps in lowering prolactin level, which in my case is elevated, and lengthen luteal phase. 

Evening Primrose Oil is more of a herbal product, but it is often listed as part of important vitamins for women trying to conceive. It is commonly used to alleviate pre-menstrual syndrome and helps in the production of fertile quality cervical mucus. It is taken from day 1 of cycle up to ovulation stage only. 

Folic Acid is one of those supplements for fertility and pregnancy that you cannot go without. It is known to prevent spina bifida in your future baby. This nutrient is very important to take before becoming pregnant and through pregnancy. 

Metformin decreases the level of androgens produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands. It is a diabetes medicine used for lowering insulin and blood sugar levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This helps regulate menstrual cycles, start ovulation, and lower the risk of miscarriage in women with PCOS. 

Duphaston is used to treat and regulate hormonal imbalances, specifically, progesterone deficiency. It helps in luteal phase deficiency, induce mentruation, make endometrium lining stronger so an egg can implant itself and is used to decrease the risk of miscarriage. 

Clomid is used to stimulate the release of hormones necessary for ovulation. It helps in the release of an egg when a woman's ovaries can produce a follicle but hormonal stimulation is deficient. 

I listed them all, to remind me how important each and every medicines and/or supplements in my infertility to fertility journey. Everyday, I wake up and go to bed praying for our little one. I know only God knows when but I also know in my heart He listens and He will provide in His most precious perfect time. Thy will be done, Oh Lord, according to Your will.


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