Sunday, January 29, 2017

Laparascopic Varicocelectomy

Posted by JustPJ at 10:34 AM
The most common cause of male infertility is low sperm count. This maybe attributed by so many factor but with my DH's case it is because of his oligoasthenospermia brought about by his varicocele on his left testicle. Oligoasthenospermia according to my friend google is a condition whereby there is a reduced sperm motility (Asthenozoospermia) and low spermatozoon count (Oligozoospermia). 

Back in the Philippines, he underwent several testiscular ultrasound with doppler study to check on his varicocele. I remember his first ultrasound where it says he has bilateral varicocele. Imagine how devastated we are during that time, especially of course my DH. Starting our TTC journey with no knowledge whatsoever with infertility adds up to so many questions of why and how all mixed up in our minds causing us to be emotionally and mentally drained, not to mention financially drain. Oh, I still feel all the emotional pain we went through but at least I can say now that "I remember those times" and that is already part of our past.

The first time he met his first urologist in 2009, he was advised to get rid of his varicocele to give more chances for us to conceive. His count at that time is over a million but not over 5 million. There was even a time/s it went down the million count. From what I understand, he has to have over 10 million sperm count or more to have a good number. Thus, we went on a second opinion, and the ultrasound came out the same way as the first only that the left testis has varicocele. We were then again advised to go on varicocelectomy to open the blockage on his testicle. At least 3-4 urologist told us to consider said procedure.

The procedure back then is an open surgery and it will cost us Php100,000.00, more or less. We do not have a problem with the cost, we know can do something to get through it. We can always borrow the money or we know our parents will help us but the problem is, all of the urologists told us that there is no 100% assurance that DH count and motility will improve and worst, it can even re-occur. Thus, we decided not to go through with it. We stand by our faith that God will provide no matter how difficult it is to accept our fate with this infertility issues that we have.

Then came this greatest twist in our lives when we landed in the first world country where healthcard is so overwhelming unlimited. On my previous post, I have indicated there that my husband will finally have his varicocelectomy and he did. He underwent laparascopic varicocelectomy last 17 January 2017. So, what is laparoscopic varicocelectomy? Below is the explanation where I get from this Link, and I quote:

"Laparoscopic varicocelectomy is one of three main treatment options for varicoceles. The other two options are varicocele embolization (non-invasive) and traditional varicocelectomy (open surgery). Laparoscopic varicocele surgery is very similar to open surgery but is less invasive. It is a relatively new procedure often used as an alternative to testicular varicocele surgery with varicolectomy. Men with varicoceles associated with significant pain or those who have fertility problems often seek treatment.
A varicocele is a varicose vein in the scrotum. It occurs when the one-way valves, which are designed to allow vein flow from the scrotum and testicles to go back to the heart, do not work properly. If these valves fail to work properly, the blood pools inside the vessels, causing enlargement of the veins. Varicocele symptoms include swelling, pain, and infertility. A varicocele causes lower sperm count and poorer quality sperm and thus may cause infertility. Damage from a varicocele can also make the testicles soften and shrink. If a varicocele is causing neither pain nor infertility, then medical treatment is not always necessary. In fact, the majority of varicocele cases results in little to no symptoms at all.
Laparoscopic varicocelectomy is performed by surgeons who specialize in urologic surgery. The patient is put under general anesthesia while three surgical cuts, each approximately 5 millimeters in length, are made in the patient’s abdomen. Using tools inserted though these small incisions, including a tool to magnify the area, the surgeon can sever the enlarged veins from the healthy ones. Then veins that direct blood into an already enlarged varicocele can be tied off so that the varicocele will eventually disappear.
During a traditional varicocelectomy, one long incision is made near the top of the penis. Advantages of laparoscopy over this type of open surgery include a lower risk of damage to vital testicular arteries and reduced post-operative pain. A laparoscopic varicocelectomy procedure takes no longer than 45 minutes. Patients typically need to stay home for up to three days after the procedure in order to recover. They may experience bruising and pain where incisions were made. However, complications from laparoscopic varicocelectomy are rare. Patients usually see improvements in sperm count, sperm quality, and overall fertility within 3 months of undergoing testicular varicocele surgery. x x x"

I have not got the chance to witness the procedure but based on my DH's cuts and from what google shows below is how it looks like:

Yep, DH has 3 small cuts on his abdomen. It was not sewed like a regular surgery but there is this tape like thing on it making the cut meet into the center. It has to stay there for days until the cut closes. Thus, basing on the picture above and DH's cuts, I'm guessing that below is most likely how the procedure went:

The surgery, as per DH's urologist is a 10-15 minutes procedure and it is an out-patient one. The only thing why it took us hours in the hospital is because he underwent a general anesthesia thereby having more hours for DH to recover. On the "laser surgery" thing. I honestly do not know how they put the laser repair on it via the laparascopic varicocelectomy. Below is DH on his private bed after he went out from the recovery room. The procedure was his first. First on dextrose, anesthesia, surgery and lying there in the hospital bed all for his sole dream of becoming father to our little R. So sweet and I am so proud of him. He sometimes openly talks his own infertility problem with some of our friends. Other men don't do it because of pride but my DH fully accepts his flaws and tries everything he can to overcome infertility through God's grace.

In my entire waiting of DH's surgery, I was teary eyed, especially when I saw him coming from the surgery wing where I was not allowed to go there and was told to wait at the waiting area. I was even thinking what if they will not bring back my DH to me, LOL, perks of watching horror and thriller movies. But then again, there he is. Groggy but conscious and his varicocele already repaired and gearing up to recovery. Thinking of it makes me really happy and every time I utter the word "thank you Lord", I am really in tears. I cannot hide the happiness. If only you know where all my tears of joy is coming then you'll know why I am so very emotional with all the blessings my DH and I are receiving from up above.

Adding to the happiness is that the procedure he underwent through is all covered by our NB healthcard. My DH and I literally went inside the hospital, showed his healthcard, had the general anesthesia and surgery, stayed there for half a day and went out with no fees at all. Only a taxi fare going home. It was then I realized that we are indeed in the maple leaf country because honestly until now I can still not believe that we are in Canada. Our decision to come here is the best that we can offer to our little R. We may have leaved our loved ones back home, where they all understand why, but it is for the best for the two of us just thinking that we are no farther from becoming parents in God's most precious perfect time. 

Dear Father God, thank you can never be enough for everything that has been going through with our infertility ordeal, for all Your guidance and help. We are forever grateful. I remember those days when we almost gave up but through it all You never let go of our hands. You've always been there for us. You've seen us at our lowest point, our pains, our agonies, all our cries and the little joys we had for little improvements in our TTC. Thank you dear Father God for always, always being there. Thy will be done Father according to Your will. We know and we believe that You put us here for a reason and that reason is our little R.


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