Sunday, November 25, 2012

30 Minute Workout is a Must

Posted by JustPJ at 9:38 AM
Since we started our TTC ordeal in April 2009, I became bigger every month, every year. Then I finally understand why I gain those pounds. It is because of the fertility drugs and/or supplements that I have taken during our TTC battle.....and because of my hormonal imbalance. I was 47 kgs. when I got married then I gain weight up to 58 kgs., my biggest weight so far, and that was only last month. 

I remember during our visit to my 2nd OB RE. I was put on clomid that time. During our first visit, I'm at 50 kgs., then the following visit I became 52 kgs. My OB RE reminded me that I was not suppose to add additional weight because I am PCOS. I have to watch my diet and so on and so forth, huh. Imagine the ordeal of undergoing TTC. Blame it on my stubborn hormones.

Currently, I am now 55 kgs.  For months now, I have been doing this after six program plus I only eat half rice a day during lunch only. I have also been working out almost everyday for 30 minutes. Beyond 30 minutes is a no, no because it will eventually result to having more infertility issues.  For TTCs, too much exercise is a stress factor, thus, a 30 minutes work out is just enough.  I am doing Zumba which I have learned to love so much especially because I really love dancing. Much better than exercising using my elliptical bike. I am doing my Zumba at home with my DVD.

the zumba fever...

However, the depressing part of this TTC journey, especially on my part, is doing all the above routines just to shed off those pounds I gained but my weight just went on plateau or sometimes I still will add up additional weight instead of losing it. Imagine eating less and doing exercises and yet I am still big, huh. Nevertheless, I know that part of my TTC ordeal is to lose weight and maintain it for me to help in conceiving. Thus, whatever it takes, I am really serious in battling that extra pounds I gained so back off fats, cholesterol and hormonal imbalance. Diet and a 30 minutes workout is a must all for the purpose of conceiving our child.


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