Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The Tests and Results

Posted by JustPJ at 2:40 PM
Hello TTC blog. I am so busy de-stressing that I intentionally rested from blogging, LOL.

Anyway, I have had my ultrasounds last 24 March 2017 and it is only now that I am blogging it, LOL. It was a transabdominal and transvaginal pelvic ultrasounds. They did a transvaginal ultrasound (TVU) on me because my uterus is tilted. I was no longer surprise about it because I have always had a retroverted uterus tests back home. Thus, the medical doctor who did my ultrasound did the TVU instead of checking only via abdominally.

I still have the same tests as back home so I have nothing to worry about. Below is the result of my ultrasounds:

Now, with regards to my hubby, we already also got the result of his surgery but, sadly, failed to ask for a copy of his result. Anyway, DH's test is not as good as all my tests. His urologist expected a surge on his count by more than 20million or over 200million. This is supposed to be the normal semen count but according to DH's urologist, DH only had more or less 10million. At the look of my husband, I felt he was really saddened by the news while me on the other side felt relieved.

The urologist continues to explain that he already did the surgery but that is the only count DH's can produce. I was looking at my husband and he was not really talking and so I did the talking. I asked again the urologist of the count and he still said more or less 10million. I heard it really right. I told the urologist that DHs count never went up high to 10million. I told him it often times will not go over a million and that I am happy that after the surgery DHs count went to more or less 10million. Then I talked to my poor DH who was really unhappy sitting near me that he should not be sad because his count improved after the surgery. Both of us know of what his counts are back in the Philippines and that we should be thankful that at least it went up to over 1million, more than 5million and more or less 10million because we never had that count back home.

I can see through his eyes and I really can feel the sadness but I think what I told him made sense and lightens up his face. Then we both agreed to accept what God has only given us. It is not too big and normal as any men can have but we can both hold on to his soldiers. Anyway, we only need one brave and strong soldier to reach and fertilize my egg cells. We can both deal with it and be happy that DH count improved.

So, after DH surgery result, I waited for my cycle to start so I can go ahead and begin my letrozole medications.

After a roller coaster menstrual cycle, I started taking letrozole on 30 May 2017. That is Day 3 of my cycle until Day 7. Then on Days 21, 24 and 27, I have to go to the hospital for blood work up. This is how they check my progesterone level here. I need to do needles. In fact, Day 27 is my 9th blood extraction via needle here in Canada. I am really afraid of needles but I come to get use to it just for having a little one.

Then just this afternoon, my OB called and told me that I am ovulating really good. I told her I only have a 29 days cycle last month compared to all my cycles which ranges from 35 to 60 days. Imagine that. We were both really happy of how letrozole works on me. She, however, told me that we still need to go to Conceptia Clinic in Moncton to do artificial insemination or the in vitro fertilization because she is not an expert to it. She told me that she already made a referral for us since February this year and all we have to do now is call Conceptia Clinic to which I did.

My DH and I is set to meet our infertility doctor on the 9th of August 2017. I cried after talking to the staff of Conceptia Clinic. In my heart I am just too close to my little R but so far that I cannot even reach him/her. I feel so afraid but I can only offer my faith to our Lord Jesus Christ that someday, somehow, He will grant us our innermost desire of having our little R. Sometimes, patience and emotions drains us that it eats our soul but the only thing that is keeping us from moving forward is our desire of becoming a father and mother and parents to our little R. 

In God's most precious perfect time, we continue to wait for little R. I know that beyond our fear and emotionally draining infertility ordeal, Father God will never abandon us. He did not let us cross the Atlantic Ocean for nothing. We know and we believe and so we continue to hold on to our faith.


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