Thursday, June 17, 2021

A Dream Come True

Posted by JustPJ at 1:22 PM
“Once upon a time, mama and papa wished upon a distant star. They didn’t know if they would get their wish, the chances seemed rather far. They asked God for a little one, to cuddle and hold tight, To love and squeeze and give a gentle kiss goodnight. Well, God was listening and the answer came straight from the blue. Not only did they get their little one, God saw fit to give them two.” -Anonymous 

It has been a while since I posted on my blog for a good cause.

I am coming back to do my last blog entry as we have already welcomed our twin boys last year, 30 April 2020. Yes, they came to this world earlier than our due date of 17 June 2020. This is also the reason why I am only updating now.

Anyway, below is our precious little twin boys and our birth story: (copy pasted from my FB account)

"For this child we have prayed and the Lord has granted the desires of our hearts." - 1 Samuel 1:27

our twin boys is out at 33W1D last 30 April 2020 at 9:35 PM for Santino Nathaniel (4lbs 6oz) and 9:37 PM for Randel Theodore (4lbs 3oz). they were out early coz of Randel’s reversing flow of amniotic fluid on his umbilical cord which if not taken care right away can result to still birth. we were just in the hospital for our usual biophysical profiling ultrasound when i was sent right away to labor and delivery to receive a 4-hr magnesium sulfate for our twins to prevent injury to their brains while we go on preterm labor via c-section. it was a disheartening event all because of my pre eclampsia but at the same time our most happiest day of our lives came through when we finally saw and hold our most awaited gifts from God, our twin boys.

we went on early labor coz of Randel but Santino was the one who was put on cpap machine (oxygen) coz he forgets to breath (apnea) sometimes and taught he is still on my belly breathing for him. our brave boy, however, is a fighter too and since yesterday he was out of his machine. Randel is called the superstar at NICU coz he was really ready to come out at 33W1D and is like a full term baby. twins are doing well now at NICU and we get to snuggle them both anytime we wanted.

to our precious little ones, you came out to this world not the way we wanted it to be especially that we have this global pandemic but we have you now and that is all that matters to us. we know that we have left you before to your first babysitter, your embryologist at Conceptia Clinic, and that, we have to leave you again for 3-5 weeks with your nurses and doctors at NICU until you reach full term weeks but we promise this will be the last time we will do this. we will have a lifetime to love, care, pamper and spoil (a little) you both to forever. mama and papa loves you both so much.

Being parents to preemie babies (and to twins) is disheartening especially with the onset of Covid19 but we are happy we survived them.

So, why did we named them Santino Nathaniel and Randel Theodore. Here is why:

SANTINO NATHANIEL. Everyone knows how special and dear my dad is to me, thus, SANTINO may mean little saint or sacred in Latin but the name actually came from my Father's name Santiago less the other "A" and "G" plus another "N". I am not his Jr., only his female version, so I cannot use his name and, also, I am now Mrs. Ramos and I believe a Salvador (my maiden name) must use the Santiago coz he will be Santiago IV. Thanks to my sister for suggesting the name SANTINO to us. NATHANIEL, on the other hand, means gift from God in Hebrew. 

RANDEL THEODORE. You have seen me always using "for little R" in all of my blogs, hashtags and everything that is involving our child. The R does not really mean Ronnel nor Ramos but is my big bro's name RANDEL whom we lost on Christmas day in 2010 due to Acute pancreatitis to which I promised myself I will use his name one day. THEODORE also means gift from God in Hebrew.

Our sons’ names are as special as they are coz they're both using my dad and brother' name, my 2 angels in heaven. We have prayed for a child for 11 years but God gave us 2 miracle rainbow babies instead of 1. Our gift from our heavenly Father for patiently waiting and not giving up on our dream of becoming parents.

Our little boys, our Bulogs as we fondly call them, are now almost 14 months. I am happy to share the faces behind this beautiful story created by our dear Father God. Below is some pictures when they turn 1, and, yes, that's us. Introducing to you my little beautiful family.

I hope and pray that at some point I have helped someone on our trying to conceive (TTC) ordeal. Remember to not lose hope, ours is 11 years in the making and 12 years before we finally hold them in our arms. It was a never easy journey but, in God's most precious perfect time, you will understand why you have to go all these ordeal.

From this once infertile mama I am happy signing off with our TTC blog happy, contented and complete.


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